
Docutrac is exoprint’s innovative solution to managed print services. Docutrac can be used in any size business to reduce cost. It is an extensive print management solution that allows for your print environment to be analyzed, studied, and remotely monitored so you can rely on us to supply toner and keep your printer fleet up and running. With docutrac, your company will finally gain control of its printer fleet. Docutrac allows us to manage your printing environment so you can focus on other things that matter to your business.

Supplies – Purchasing toner from exoprint can be set up in a variety of ways. If you’re signed up with us through DocuTrac, we manage your fleet and provide you with toner just in time. If you’re not signed up through DocuTrac and mange your own printer fleet, you can purchase toner directly from us. We can provide you with a custom shopping cart to make ordering easy for your employees and our pices are unmatched.

Document Management – exoprint provides document management software to help keep your organized with scanning, converting files and images and storing them for easy access. This seamlessly connects into products such as Microsoft Share Point, Alfresco and a world of other applications. This will provide flexibility and speed up your document processing time.